TCB ArtInc, 2019

In legal terminology objects are carried ‘in’ and not ‘by’ water.

Nuisance flows inverts social sculpture to the intimate scale of the individual. Social sculpture, not in the Beuysian sense of “life as a social sculpture that everyone helps to shape,” but rather the material etymologies of human chauvinism.

Nuisance flows figures excess as both substance and structure.

Intentionally vague, and concerned with pleasure, sculptural works take the urban mythscape of the stormwater drain as a site to explore the irrational relationship between the primary capacity of materials and their incremental contributions (as excess) to larger material infrastructures.

Exhibition publication

Reviewed by Helen Hughes in Artforum

Eucalypt resin, synthetic resin, toilet paper, sharpie, smashed car windows, steel brackets.

Photographs by Christian Capurro